The Political Revolution Endorses James Thompson

Vote James Thompson in Kansas’ 4th District Special Election

The special election in KS-04 is not just about flipping a long-time red seat blue, it is about our movement’s fight against the corrupt establishment politicians who represent special interests. Often called “Ground Zero” for trickle-down economics, Kansas is ready to elect a true voice of the people to the U.S. House of Representatives. James Thompson is what Kansas needs. Not only is he a staunch supporter of progressive values, he is a true patriot who will help all Kansans, not just the wealthy and the special interests. That’s why we’re throwing our full support behind James Thompson and his campaign for Congress.

James will fight for a Kansas that works for everyone.

James Thompson is a U.S. Army veteran and a civil rights attorney in Wichita, Kansas. James is running because he wants a Kansas that works for everyone. As a father, he has watched Sam Brownback’s cuts limit the opportunities that children have to education, and knows that his daughter, Liberty, won’t get the same opportunities he did growing up. As a veteran he knows what it is like to be ignored by Washington. James will be a voice for the men and women who fight for this country. He attended law school at Washburn University where he organized his fellow students to develop the Veterans Legal Association of Washburn. When he came to Wichita, he organized the Wichita Bar Association’s participation in the annual Stand Down event. This event provided legal services for Wichita’s homeless population, many of whom are veterans. James believes that if we are sending men and women to fight for the country, we must be prepared to fund the treatment of the physical and mental wounds of our heroes and their families.

James grew up in Kansas and knows all too well that rural areas are suffering as a result of failed Washington politics and economic policies. James believes we need to invest in our farmers and make trade agreements that benefit Kansas’ agricultural role in the economy. James also believes in the value of education in rural schools and stands firmly against rural school consolidation and the closing of rural hospitals caused by Sam Brownback’s failed experiments.

For these reasons and a multitude of others, we are happy to endorse James, and support him in any way we can. We encourage our followers to do the same.

For more information on James, and to learn how to get involved, please visit his website.

Please also consider splitting a $3, $5, or even a $27 contribution between James Thompson and The Political Revolution. The power of small dollar fundraising will help James win his election!