The Political Revolution Endorses Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congressional District NY-14

Hailing from the South Bronx, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has seen first-hand how living in the wrong zip code can affect one’s education, work opportunities, and even their own health. Alexandria is at the forefront of the progressive movement in The Bronx, having organized for Bernie Sanders in 2016 and more recently successfully challenging long-standing incumbent Congressman Joseph Crowley to support Medicare for All. Crowley’s position only recently changed on this issue, and there are serious concerns about his opposition to regulation and support for the Iraq war.

Beside a solid platform supporting a living wage, healthcare for all, criminal justice and campaign finance reforms, Alexandria’s professional career in education and economic policy reform brings an impressive resume to a platform supportive of the many, not the few.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stands ready to lead New York toward a better future – one that embraces a just economy by resetting priorities with respect to taxation and expenditure, especially given its current inequity and inequality. By removing the artificial barriers to success that our current economy creates, Alexandria’s work in Congress will improve the lives of her fellow New Yorkers and all Americans.