The Political Revolution Endorses Logan Smith for Santa Clarita City Council

Candidate Profile: Logan Smith for Santa Clarita City Council

Original Article Written for Medium by Anthony Pannulo
Photo by Chad Kampbell*Z_arJ0okNLrcdB0Ey0HMCg.jpeg

Logan Smith, activist and frequent campaign worker, announced his candidacy for the Santa Clarita City Council last summer. Inspired by Senator Bernie Sanders’ call for regular working people to run for office, Logan’s campaign was born.

On the issues, Logan Smith is a progressive Democrat. His plan for businesses of all tiers includes encouraging innovation to attract investors via sustainable initiatives. This is to ensure that Santa Clarita is moving forward socially, economically, and environmentally. Los Angeles County has suffered from poor air quality for decades. To ensure continuing progress, Logan is calling for Santa Clarita to become a leading example of clean energy use.

Logan Smith’s Political Revolution Profile*C5VOXabdYbGpsLJc-1VVTg.png

The drug and opioid epidemic is rampant across the entire country. Significantly, however, some communities suffer more than others. Santa Clarita is one of these communities . While it is great to expand on distributing Narcan, Logan wants to solve this problem at the source. Santa Clarita must seriously consider the efficacy and access of its treatment programs. As rent and the cost of living increase, homelessness is following in turn. While there are services available for those in need, there must be a solution to the root of the problem. Logan also plans to increase affordable housing for seniors as well, who may live with an unstable financial status.

As for creating a better government that works for all, Logan is against the influence of large corporate interests who may work in opposition to regular Americans. Logan will fight for transparency and limits on what a single person or corporate entity may contribute into the political process. Using a districted election system will also ensure that Santa Clarita residents are represented fairly.

Follow Logan Smith for Santa Clarita on Twitter and head over to his official campaign site for more information.