2017 EOY Transparency Report

2017 EOY Transparency Report

Financial Reporting for JUL 1st, 2017 – dec 31st, 2017

Another year has passed, and The Political Revolution has turned 1 year old. This past year we proved we have the ability to elect progressive candidates and turn words and ideas into action. One of the ways we are able to do that is with the support of our donors and volunteers. We hold ourselves to the highest standard of transparency possible, and so below you will find our full contributions and expenditures for the latter half of 2017 (reporting dates July 01, 2017 – December 31st, 2017). To find the first half of 2017, go here .

Why do we do this? We want our followers and supporters to have the guarantee that their dollars are going directly to supporting grassroots candidates, and back into the community. No member of our organization gets paid. Donations help us maintain operation costs like running the website, gsuite, and our e-mail program.

We rely on small dollar donations. Last year our average donation was $13.58.

With your donations we are not only able to make our operations better, we give back to the community – this year we are giving away prizes for people who phonebank. We’re also able to fulfill requests to candidates and volunteers when they need direct support or funds.

We thank you for your support, and for the support of all of our volunteers, for they are the greatest asset to the Revolution. Every dollar goes back to supporting them and grassroots candidates. We enter our second year with lots of hope and energy, and look forward to continuing to work with you and have your support! We will need it going into 2018.

Financial Reporting

July 2017 – December 2017

Contributions Total

  • $5,622.23 Raised YTD (before expenditures and disbursements)

Tandem Fundraising Stats

Candidate Name Contributions Total
Lee Carter 13 $65.61
Steve McBride 13 $65.61
Brian Garry 13 $65.57
Larry Krasner 12 $58.43
Joshua Cole 11 $52.06
Raymond Dehn 9 $39.90
Randall Woodfin 1 $10.00

Direct Candidate Contributions

Candidate Name Race Total
Alan Pugh Elyria, OH City Council $200.00

Donor Information

Donor Breakdown by State


Donor Breakdown by County


Administrative Expenditures

Payee Organization Name Amount Description Date
APM Music $150.00 APM Music License 7/3/17
Facebook $39.38 Advertisement 7/3/17
Facebook $19.49 Advertisement 7/3/17
Google $33.16 Google Apps Services 7/5/17
Mailchimp $75.00 Subscription 7/5/17
Facebook $76.33 Advertisement 8/1/17
Facebook $14.92 Advertisement 8/1/17
Google $35.00 Google Apps Services 8/2/17
Mailchimp $75.00 Subscription 8/4/17
PureButtons $245.20 Merchandise 8/14/17
Facebook $6.57 Advertisement 8/28/17
Facebook $18.43 Advertisement 8/29/17
Facebook $26.68 Advertisement 8/31/17
Facebook $3.32 Advertisement 8/31/17
Facebook $2.96 Advertisement 9/1/17
Google $35.00 Google Apps Services 9/5/17
Mailchimp $75.00 Subscription 9/5/17
Facebook $6.05 Advertisement 10/2/17
Facebook $14.72 Advertisement 10/2/17
Google $35.00 Google Apps Services 10/2/17
Mailchimp $75.00 Subscription 10/4/17
NameCheap $13.75 Domain Registrar 10/19/17
Facebook $1.17 Advertisement 11/1/17
Facebook $17.10 Advertisement 11/1/17
Google $35.00 Google Apps Services 11/2/17
Mailchimp $75.00 Subscription 11/6/17
Facebook $10.00 Advertisement 12/1/17
Google $35.00 Google Apps Services 12/4/17
Mailchimp $75.00 Subscription 12/4/17
PureButtons $32.55 Merchandise 12/21/17

Donor Info

Date Amount Name State
7/2/17 $5.00 Joseph IN
7/7/17 $27.00 Mark PA
7/8/17 $3.00 Anthony TX
7/8/17 $10.00 David IL
7/8/17 $10.00 Mikael NY
7/10/17 $12.00 Gordon AZ
7/12/17 $5.00 Puja OH
7/13/17 $5.00 Jesse OR
7/14/17 $5.00 Kai NC
7/14/17 $27.00 Phillip MO
7/15/17 $15.00 Theodore MA
7/20/17 $20.00 Patrick OR
7/28/17 $10.00 John CA
7/28/17 $5.00 Joseph TN
7/28/17 $3.00 J PA
7/28/17 $5.00 Raymundo CA
7/29/17 $10.00 Patrick OH
8/1/17 $10.00 Evan WV
8/2/17 $5.00 Joseph IN
8/2/17 $3.00 Larry IL
8/7/17 $27.00 Mark PA
8/8/17 $3.00 Anthony TX
8/8/17 $10.00 Mikael NY
8/10/17 $12.00 Gordon AZ
8/12/17 $5.00 Puja OH
8/13/17 $5.00 Jesse OR
8/14/17 $5.00 Kai NC
8/14/17 $27.00 Phillip MO
8/14/17 $100.00 MARY ANNE FL
8/15/17 $15.00 Theodore MA
8/15/17 $5.00 CHRISTOPHER OH
8/19/17 $3.00 Marian CA
8/20/17 $20.00 Patrick OR
8/27/17 $10.00 Makayla KS
8/28/17 $10.00 John CA
8/29/17 $10.00 Patrick OH
9/2/17 $5.00 Joseph IN
9/3/17 $25.00 Andy WI
9/4/17 $5.00 John NE
9/4/17 $5.00 Ana CA
9/5/17 $27.00 Michael CO
9/7/17 $27.00 Mark PA
9/8/17 $3.00 Anthony TX
9/8/17 $10.00 Mikael NY
9/12/17 $5.00 Puja OH
9/13/17 $5.00 Jesse OR
9/14/17 $5.00 Kai NC
9/14/17 $27.00 Phillip MO
9/15/17 $15.00 Theodore MA
9/15/17 $5.00 CHRISTOPHER OH
9/16/17 $5.00 Suleman NJ
9/16/17 $5.00 John TX
9/17/17 $15.00 My CA
9/17/17 $20.00 Andrew PA
9/17/17 $1.00 Raven OH
9/20/17 $20.00 Patrick OR
9/28/17 $10.00 John CA
9/29/17 $10.00 Patrick OH
10/7/17 $27.00 Mark PA
10/8/17 $3.00 Anthony TX
10/8/17 $10.00 Mikael NY
10/12/17 $5.00 Puja OH
10/13/17 $5.00 Jesse OR
10/14/17 $5.00 Kai NC
10/15/17 $15.00 Theodore MA
10/15/17 $10.00 Joerg IL
10/20/17 $27.00 Anonymous HI
10/20/17 $20.00 Patrick OR
10/28/17 $10.00 John CA
10/29/17 $10.00 Patrick OH
11/2/17 $7.14 Philip NY
11/2/17 $3.85 Adam NY
11/2/17 $2.14 Favio CA
11/2/17 $2.14 Aaron KY
11/2/17 $3.85 Tim RI
11/3/17 $14.28 Andrew CA
11/6/17 $2.14 Kayden WI
11/7/17 $27.00 Mark PA
11/8/17 $3.00 Anthony TX
11/8/17 $10.00 Mikael NY
11/12/17 $5.00 Puja OH
11/14/17 $5.00 Kai NC
11/15/17 $15.00 Theodore MA
11/20/17 $20.00 Patrick OR
11/28/17 $10.00 John CA
11/29/17 $10.00 Patrick OH
11/29/17 $10.00 Nathan NY
12/7/17 $27.00 Mark PA
12/8/17 $3.00 Anthony TX
12/8/17 $10.00 Mikael NY
12/12/17 $5.00 Puja OH
12/15/17 $15.00 Theodore MA
12/20/17 $20.00 Patrick OR
12/27/17 $25.00 Kai NC
12/28/17 $10.00 John CA
12/29/17 $10.00 Patrick OH